Monday, January 15, 2018

German Police Use iPhone's Health App to Solve Murder

From the New York Post:

In something of a bizarre story, the Health app on Apple’s iPhone may play a pivotal role in definitively proving who raped and murdered a young medical student in Germany late last year. 

As detailed by the BBC, German authorities already have a suspect in custody, a man who we only know by Hussein K. 

As the story goes, Hussein K has already admitted his involvement, though some details regarding the murder still remain fuzzy. Incidentally, Hussein K refused to provide the pin code of his iPhone.  

Read the full story here:

Who Killed Brittanee Drexel? is a gripping, heartbreaking story of a teenage girl who disappeared on Spring Break and might have been fed to a pond of alligators; and her mother's refusal to accept her death.

Who Killed Brittanee Drexel? A Shocking True Crime Story of a Teenager's Murder and a Mother's Grief is available wherever books are sold including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and Kobo.


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