Saturday, November 26, 2016

Mommy Deadliest: A Shocking True Crime Story of a Murdering Mother by Rod Kackley

Loneliness. Desperation. Despair.

Every time Earl and Martha Ann fight something bad happens to one of their kids, something appalling.

Is it just bad luck? That’s what Martha Ann says. Or could it be something else? 

Earl is afraid his wife has become a serial killer. He doesn’t have the evidence, but he has the fear, and the suspicion.

Mommy Deadliest: The Shocking True Crime Story of a Murdering Mother tells the true story of a simple woman who understood what was happening was wrong, but couldn’t or wouldn’t stop. 

This is a biography of a criminal, an outlaw, a woman who did the unimaginable.

However, it is also the story of how the law enforcement, medical, and social service communities failed Martha Ann, Earl, and their family.

At the heart of the story though is a simple question: How could a mother do this to her children?

Mommy Deadliest: The Shocking True Crime Story of a Murdering Mother by Rod Kackley.

Available as a Kindle ebook: Buy Now

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